Random HTML

Random HTML allows you to place a line in your HTML document, and then whenever a visitor visits that page, the visitor will see a random message or HTML code.

NOTE: Because the Random HTML generator utilizes Server Side Include (SSI) calls, the server requires that any page that you place the code in have a .shtml file extension. This signals to the server that the file has an SSI call and allows the server to handle the request accordingly. If you use a regular .html or .htm file extension, the Server Side Include statement will not be processed.

When you click on the Random HTML link in the Control Panel, you will see a large text box. In this text box, you can include whatever random HTML tags you want to appear. Each seperate tag or line will need to be placed on a new line. The random lines can consist of HTML tags or just plain text.

Now you will need to place the following line in your .shtml document. Place the line in the document where you want the randomness to be generated:
<!--#exec cmd="cgi-bin/randhtml.cgi"-->
Note: The .shtml document that will contain the Random HTML will need to be placed in your public_html directory. If you are needing the page to be in another directory, please contact technical support and they should be able to come up with a work around to get this fixed for you.

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