Entropy Banner

The Entropy Banner is a utility that allows you to place banners on your site. These banners use images and when clicked on will link to another site or another portion of your site.

To begin, you will need to upload the images that you want to use as banners. You can do this by clicking on the Add Banner(s) button. Once there, you can browse your way to the banners you want to upload. When you have all the banners that you want to upload selected, press the Upload button.

The images should get uploaded successfully. Now go back to the main Entropy Banner page and click the Modify Rotation button. Here you can make modifications to the banners, such as where they are linked to, their priority, and the option to delete a banner. Any time you make changes to a banner, be sure to click the Save button so that the changes will take affect.

Now that you have your banners uploaded and set up, you will need to include the code into your HTML documents. To do so, place the following code in your HTML document:
<!--#exec cmd="cgi-bin/entropybanner.cgi"-->
NOTE: Because the above line is issuing a Server Side Include (SSI) call, you will need to name the HTML document so that it has a .shtml file extension. This tells the webserver that the file includes an SSI call and will prepare the server to execute it.

The HTML document that is using the Entropy Banner script will need to be placed in your public_html directory. If you have a need to use the Entropy Banner script in a directory below your public_html directory, contact our technical support department and they should be able to fix a work around for you.

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